
Alla inlägg den 25 maj 2011

Av Fanny - 25 maj 2011 21:24

#1Kolla här För att se en av två designer som jag gjort.

#2Kolla här För att se den andra av designerna som jag gjort.

Nu ska ni få rösta!






Av Fanny - 25 maj 2011 18:07

Hej alla läsare!

För några dagar sen skrev jag att jag kanske skulle vara borta större delen av nästa vecka. Och nu är det bekräftat och klart att jag blir borta då. 

Jag åker bort med skolan på måndag morgon och kommer hem på tisdag förmiddag (ca 9-10-11 kke) Så jag slutar ju tidigt då och kommer givetvis att blogga. Onsdag är det skola halva dagen sen bloggning. Torsdag morgon åker jag på läger med scouterna och kommer hem på söndag eftermiddag. Måndag är jag alltså hemma eftersom det är sveriges nationaldag då. Men natten till måndag så är det MTV Awards och det ska jag självklart sitta uppe och se. Nån mer som ska se MTV Awards? Jag tänkte att om det skulle vara någon mer vaken då klockan 3.00 på morgonen så sitter jag mer än gärna och chattar här på bloggen. Jag tänker ändå ha datorn nära mig och vara uppdaterad på bloggen samtidigt. Så om ni sitter uppe, tveka inte att gå in och skriva i chatten!

Glöm nu inte heller att rösta i den lilla omröstningsrutan som finns på bloggen, där finns nu en ny omröstning! Frågan är: Ska jag byta design?

av: Vicki

Av Fanny - 25 maj 2011 18:05

Lite tuff eclipse video ;)

av: Vicki

Av Fanny - 25 maj 2011 15:48

Delar Robert och Kristen kläder, eller har de väldigt lika klädstil?? ;)


 Finns några bilder till, men jag hittar inte dem i min dator fast jag har laddat ner dem...-.-


//Fanny <3

Av Fanny - 25 maj 2011 15:43

Det har kommit ut en ny officiell breaking dawn poster. Nya tema färgen verkar bli röd! :D



//Fanny <3

Av Fanny - 25 maj 2011 15:27

Robert Pattinon intervju med glamour italy. Älskar Rob, han skäms inte för att säga sanningen... :D

- In your new movie Water for elephants you work with animals. Do you have any pets?
"I recenlty got a puppy from a shelter in Louisiana, and called him Bear. He's an extraordinary dog, very smart and playful."

- Have you ever gone to the circus?
"I haven't, but it's weird that I can feel nostalgic for a place I've never been to."

- When was the last time you cried?
"I continually cry, over everything. I'm crying right now! I'm drying my tears on the keyboard as I'm typing the answers."

- What book is on your bedside table at the moment?
"It's a book written by Steve Fisher, talking about the period when Las Vegas was under the control of the Mafia. I love the story of Las Vegas.

- Who is your favourite hero?
"It's John Self from the novel Money by Martin Amis, because Amis manages to make fascinating even the most disgusting character on earth."

- How do you picture yourself at age 90?
"I want to be with my wife, sitting on a deckchair, sipping some tea, and reading books in a retirement home, in a beautiful and warm place."

- Do you prefer a pair of jeans or a tuxedo?
"Pair of jeans, but I don't mind wearing a tux, not everyday of course."

- Do you read your horoscope?
"No, and I really don't believe in that stuff."

- The first verse of your favourite poem or song
<< "I grew up on the crime side, the New York Times side. Staying alive was no jive" - It's C.R.E.A.M by the hardcore rap group Wu-Tang Clan from New York. >>

- A must in your closet
"Underwear, which is only necessary thing after all. But I might add socks as well, you know just to make the answer more interesting."

- What is one thing you think you're good and one thing you're bad at?
"I'm really good at the game "words with friends", while I'm not good at the ice hockey simulation NHL 11 for PlayStation 3."

- Which is the song on your Ipod you listen to the most?
"Beside You by Van Morrison. ITunes tells me I've listened to it 53 times, but I resetted the play count twice at least, so I might have listened to it like a hundred times."

- Where would you like to live?
"In LA and NY, or maybe in both cities!

- Are you a techno addct or a romantic guy?
"I'm a romantic guy."

- Which is more difficult to shoot, a sex scenes or a laugh?
"It's hard to say. Both kinds of scenes turned up really well."

- You open your fridge and...
"And there's a Coca-Cola Zero, a pizza from yesterday, 2 day old Chinese food, and a Heineken."

- What is your ringtone?
"The stardart one. Always."

- What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
"I brush my teeth, have a shower and go walk my dog."

- What is your dream?
"Be able to act, write, direct, edit and produce my own movies."

- Are you on any social networks?
"If "words with friends" is considered a social network then yes. But I do not have any twitter nor facebook accounts. There are too many people pretending to be me. If you want to know me, you have to go to the cinema."

- What is your tip for an aspiring actor?
"Be faithful to yourself. That's enough."

Oh, and there's this note on the pic: "The big doubt: is he dating Kristen? Yes, no, maybe. Robert changes the subject and doesn't answer this question"

//Fanny <3

Av Fanny - 25 maj 2011 15:05

En intervju för L-Express(fransk) där Robert Pattinson har svarat på "Om du var..." frågor.



If you were a place… If you were a place, the area of South Bank, in London. Between the Hayward Gallery, National Theatre and all other activities, I'm never bored. I would also say New York for the breathtaking skyline formed by the buildings and the fast pace of the city, whatever the time of day.

A cartoonist… Ralph Steadman, illustrator of the hilarious texts of Gonzo Highway from Hunter S. Thompson. His simple but disturbed stroke never leaves me indifferent. The other reason is, perhaps, that I can draw almost like him!

A childhood dish… Boiled eggs with salt on the side and toast at your fingertips. Inevitably, this makes me feel like a Saturday, when my mother was making this for me. I’m a bit nostalgic of this time.

An animal… An elephant. It is an smart and calming animal. They have an incredibly dexterity. I learned a lot from him while working on the film. I would also add the girafe, since I had the opportunity to play with a baby girafe barely bigger than me. Their black tongue surprised.

An era… I am a big fan of music and clothing style of the 1960s. Whether in England or the United States, I like everything from that time.

An album… It is difficult to choose one. I give you my top 5: Night Train by Oscar Peterson, One Love by Bob Marley & The Wailers, Moondance, Van Morrison, Abbey Road, Beatles, and Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers), the Wu-Tang Clan. They all talk to me in their own way.

An artist… The cannonman at the circus. I like the risk. I love having the feeling of flying. Being a beard lady, I would not mind either. To avoid having to shave!

A book… Money, Money by Martin Amis. I read it when I was 15, I read it hundreds of times since then and it always makes me laugh. Amis has managed to create a world that is both funny and abrasive. I’d love to play John Self, the depraved hero, who's without illusions, he created.

An essential garment… Without hesitation, the underwear: it’s really the only piece you need! That and sunglasses, which are an accessory that I love! At home, I am constantly in that outfit.

A quote… “Mistakes are the doors of discovery”, by James Joyce. A smiliar one: “A man can be destroyed but not defeated” by Ernest Hemingway. Both remind me that our biggest mistakes are the experiences we learn the most from. Hope to improving give everyone the desire to live the next day, doesn't it?'


//Fanny <3


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